
Showing posts from June, 2013

Show Notes for June 26, 2013

Kodak Easyshare W1020 10-Inch Wireless Digital Frame Shotblocker 4.5 stars on Amazon, but only 8 reviews "The contact points on the underside saturates the sensory nerves distracting the patient from the pain signals caused by the needle poke" Blue ribbon "a symbol of something of high quality" comes from "The Blue Riband, a prize awarded for the fastest crossing of the Atlantic Ocean by passenger liners" "Cordon Bleu, which referred to the blue ribbon worn by a particular order of knights" hardware HP z620 not configurable, comes in 14 versions (!) Alex note: the landing page is decent, but it's worth clicking on Shop now , and then in breadcrumb on "HP Z620 Workstations" to see how the 14 versions are presented; it is such a disaster that this is incomprehensible to me; they seem to be doing everything they can to convince you not to buy HP hardware (and Dell is no better) 802.11ac Wikipedia "exp...

Show Notes for June 19, 2013

medley as in BJ's  Garden Medley Salad "a collection or mixture of miscellaneous things" religion my brother the islamist documentary "calling for Sharia law across the UK" "As Robb spends time with Salahuddin, he witnesses a very particular phenomenon - the embrace of radical Islamism by young men, many of them white" debate between John Cleese and the Bishop of Southwark the ten commandments  (and why they are not 15) ça sert d'os what is known about  PRISM (according to Wikipedia)

Show notes for June 11-12, 2013 (Switzerland)

Movies Synecdoche, New York (2008)  (7.2 on IMDB) (recommended) My Sister's Keeper (2009) , with Cameron Diaz (7.3 on IMDB) (a tear-jerker) Réunion Le faham "est une orchidée endémique des Mascareignes […] traditionnellement récoltée dans la nature pour confectionner le rhum arrangé. Elle apporte à ce breuvage son goût de caramel caractéristique" Le Rhum arrangé "est une préparation de rhum dans laquelle ont macéré divers ingrédients tels que des feuilles ou des fruits. C'est une spécialité de La Réunion et de Madagascar." Le Rhum Charrette "est la marque de rhum la plus connue de l'île de La Réunion et la plus vendue en France" Living Colour - Flying ( YouTube , lyrics ) Camus et la révolte The Myth of Sisyphus Le Mythe de Sisyphe Absurdism L'Homme révolté

Show Notes for June 12, 2013

patents Twitter Innovator Patent Agreement "We will not use the patents from employees’ inventions in offensive litigation without their permission" IPA on GitHub Obama's executive orders to limit damages done by "patent trolls" places Back Yard Coffee Company , in Redwood City Ohlone Regional Wilderness construction / solar rafter : "sloped structural beams" solar micro-inverter "Micro-inverters contrast with conventional string or central inverter devices, which are connected to multiple solar panels" "The main advantage being small amounts of shading, debris or snow lines on any one solar panel, or even a complete panel failure, does not disproportionately reduce the output of the entire array" vendor: SolarEdge islanding "condition in which a distributed (DG) generator continues to power a location even though electrical grid power from the electric utility is no longer present" Sazerac  c...

Show Notes for June 5, 2013

Etymology of cerf-volant in French "[…] viendrait de serp-volante, serp étant un mot féminin en ancien français pour désigner un serpent" "Le mot serp ayant disparu de la langue française, il a été alors transcrit phonétiquement, mais de façon erronée, dans « cerf-volant », les mots sèrp et cerf se prononçant de la même façon." Facebook Chat supports Jabber/XMPP Construction heavy equipment French:  tractopelle (or  pelle rétro ); English:  backhoe loader French:  pelle mécanique , English:  excavator  (or  digger ) French:  chargeur sur pneus , English: loader Bulldozer  (in English and French) Philosophy/religion Le  jansénisme "est un mouvement religieux, puis politique, qui se développe aux xviie et xviiie siècles […] quelques traits caractéristiques, comme la volonté de s’en tenir strictement à la doctrine de Saint Augustin sur la Grâce, conçue comme la négation de la liberté humaine pour faire le ...