Show Notes for February 6, 2014
Inequality AOL chief cuts 401(k) benefits, blames Obamacare and two “distressed babies” New Study Finds China Manufacturing Costs Rising to US Level Sochi Don't let dangerous water touch your face NBC story 100% fraudulent Error detection and correction Forward error correction Hamming codes "can detect up to two-bit errors or correct one-bit errors without detection of uncorrected errors. By contrast, the simple parity code cannot correct errors, and can detect only an odd number of bits in error. Hamming codes are perfect codes, that is, they achieve the highest possible rate for codes with their block length and minimum distance 3." "Due to the limited redundancy that Hamming codes add to the data, they can only detect and correct errors when the error rate is low. This is the case in computer memory (ECC memory), where bit errors are extremely rare and Hamming codes are widely used." "Hamming codes can be extended by an extra parity b...