Show Notes for March 19, 2015

  • How Apple Makes the Watch
  • China Export marking
  • From Recommended Reading: The 10,000 Year Explosion:
    • "In fact, many of the genetic variations that 23andMe provides information about are relics of those evolutionary changes. The SNP that confers lactose tolerance, for example, appears to have arisen in Europe about 8,000 years ago among the first people to herd cows and other milk-producing animals. The lactose-digesting variant quickly spread throughout the parts of Eurasia that were ecologically suited to pastoralism."
  • Leaky gut syndrome "is a proposed condition some health practitioners claim is the cause of a wide range of serious long-term conditions, including diabetes, lupus, and multiple sclerosis. Proponents of leaky gut syndrome state that an altered or damaged bowel lining or gut wall results from poor diet, parasites, infection, or medications, and that this allows substances such as toxins, microbes, undigested food, or waste to leak through. They say this prompts the body to initiate an immune reaction leading to potentially severe health conditions. This theory is vague and largely unproven, and there is no evidence that the remedies marketed for treating leaky gut bring the benefits they claim. The scientific community continues to debate whether there is a connection between a leaky gut and autism, and whether "leaky gut syndrome" exists at all."
  • Un ramequin "est un petit plat, en porcelaine, en verre ou en terre cuite, utilisé pour la cuisson au four ou au bain-marie. Il permet de cuire des repas individuels. On trouve aussi les graphies ramekin et ramikin."
  • The Seattle Underground "is a network of underground passageways and basements in downtown Seattle, Washington, United States that was ground level at the city's origin in the mid-19th century. After the streets were elevated these spaces fell into disuse, but have become a tourist attraction in recent decades."

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