Show Notes for January 19, 2017

  • Chloramines "are derivatives of ammonia by substitution of one, two or three hydrogen atoms with chlorine atoms: monochloramine (chloroamine, NH2Cl), dichloramine (NHCl2), and nitrogen trichloride (NCl3). The term chloramine also refers to a family of organic compounds with the formulas R2NCl and RNCl2 (R is an organic group)."
    • "NH2Cl is commonly used in low concentrations as a secondary disinfectant in municipal water distribution systems as an alternative to chlorination. This application is increasing. Chlorine (referred to in water treatment as free chlorine) is being displaced by chloramine—to be specific monochloramine—which is much more stable and does not dissipate as rapidly as free chlorine. NH2Cl also has a very much lower, however still present, tendency than free chlorine to convert organic materials into chlorocarbons such as chloroform and carbon tetrachloride. Such compounds have been identified as carcinogens and in 1979 the United States Environmental Protection Agency began regulating their levels in U.S. drinking water."
  • American association of pediatric on feeding peanuts
  • Severe combined immunodeficiency AKA "bubble boy disease"
  • Tilt hydrometer:
    • "Designed for home brewing, the Tilt is a wireless hydrometer that lets you instantly read your brew's specific gravity and temperature on your compatible Apple iPhone/iPad or Android smartphone/tablet. Any Bluetooth 4.0 device will work. You can then optionally save the data automatically to a cloud service, such as Google Sheets."
    • $120
  • Swiss town denies passport to vegan anti-cowbell campaigner 'for being annoying'

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